1. Brainstorming
We are the webdesigners but you know your target group like no one else. Therefore, we think that a good dialogue with our clients is the best starting point for a successful web project. We try to find out what information your website should contain and under which form it is already present (hardcopy, electronic document, photo,...). Using our expertise, we then propose technical solutions for the
functionalities you want to integrate in your website. Finally, we try to find out the style you prefer for your website so that we can make a preliminary style example.
2. Proposal
After 1 week (unless another period was agreed upon) you will receive a proposal containing the following parts:
- a detailed description of the content with a description of the available material.
- a blueprint of your website indicating the conceptual structure of your website in a graphical way. To give you a better idea of this structure, a minimal style version (mainly containing the links and a short text description) will be put online (client access, password protected).
- a style proposal: 1 webpage in the style we designed for you.
- technical specifications specify the modem speeds your website will be designed for, its cross-browser compatibility and the properties of the proposed webhosting solution,...
- a detailed price offer containing the number of webpages, an estimate of the number of hours necessary for programming custom modules and if required a complete webhosting offer.
This proposal is put online in our client access area (password protected area) or it can be sent to you by email or regular mail (with the exception of the minimal style version designed to give you an idea of the navigation through your website).
3. Realisation
If you are pleased with our proposal, we only have to agree upon the planning of the project. Finally, after signing a contract, we can start with the realisation of your webproject!
¿Cuanto cuésta?
How much will this cost me? For a rough estimate, use our PlusCalculator.
Technical details
You want to know more about the technology we use or you simply need some extra explanation, then click here...